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John Cooney Dies At 28 After Sustaining Brain Injury In A Title Fight > Entertainment > John Cooney Dies At 28 After Sustaining Brain Injury In A Title Fight
John Cooney Dies At 28 After Sustaining Brain Injury In A Title Fight
An Irish boxer John Cooney has died at the age of 28 from brain injuries sustained in a fight, Mark...

A Week to Remember in Business, Entertainment and Politics > Tangolog Weekly Digest > A Week To Remember In Business Entertainment And Politics
A Week to Remember in Business, Entertainment and Politics
In a series of high-profile crackdowns, authorities have arrested a 52-year-old Thai woman accused of assisting a Nigerian syndicate in...

GOTV Subscription Costs, Payment Options, Package Details, Comparison, Channel List > Entertainment > Gotv Subscription Costs Payment Options Package Details Comparison And Channel List
The cost of a Gotv subscription in Nigeria varies according to the bundle. Gotv Smallie, Gotv Jinja, Gotv Jolli, Gotv...

How to Configure Backup on your Mac with Time Machine > Backup Mac Time Machine
How to Configure Backup on your Mac with Time Machine
Creating a backup of your Mac is the only guarantee you can have of never losing your data and Apple has made it incredibly easier for you with Time Machine.…

Canada Visa Application: 100% Working Guide > Canada Visa Application 100 Working Guide
For you to be on this post, it simply means you are seeking easy ways to migrate to Canada and as such, you want to know the Canada Visa Application process. Well,…

Canada Student Visa – How To Apply > Canada Student Visa How To Apply
Every year, lots of young people log on to the internet to check for Canada student visa. Apparently, they want to study in Canada. For you to study in Canada,…

Top Paying Engineering Jobs in Canada for Immigrants > Top Paying Engineering Jobs In Canada For Immigrants
If you are an engineer looking for a high-paying job in one of the best countries in the world, look no further than Canada. Some of the best engineering jobs…

Where to Find the Best Oil and Gas Jobs in Canada > Where To Find The Best Oil And Gas Jobs In Canada
If you are looking for an oil and gas production job, Canada could offer you a variety of lucrative opportunities. As the fifth-largest oil-producing and exporting country in the world,…

Best Provinces to Apply for Social Work Jobs in Canada > Best Provinces To Apply For Social Work Jobs In Canada
The labor market shortage is just one of the challenges Canada is currently facing in the labor market. This means that they require skilled workers, occupations that have more positions…

FAQs: How to Get a Canadian Work Visa > Faqs How To Get A Canadian Work Visa
When it comes to living and working in Canada, the means to get there seem almost endless as Canada has over 100 immigration routes. In addition to the many immigration…

4 Popular Foods to try in Dubai > 4 Popular Foods To Try In Dubai
4 Popular Foods to try in Dubai
Dubai is home to tourism and hospitality thus, the city is always giving visitors reasons to come back for more. One of the enticing experiences you can have in Dubai…

Cheap Shopping Destinations in Istanbul > Cheap Shopping Destinations In Istanbul
Cheap Shopping Destinations in Istanbul
Shopping Destinations in Istanbul: Istanbul, Turkey’s most populous and revenue-generating city, is one of the busiest cities in Turkey due to its geographical location, as it stands between two continents…

5 Popular Foods you should try in Nigeria > 5 Famous Foods Love Nigeria
5 Popular Foods you should try in Nigeria
Are you in Nigeria or planning on visiting Nigeria but have no clue of what meals to try on? here are some sweet flavored Nigerian delicacy that will make you…