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A Week to Remember in Business, Entertainment and Politics > Tangolog Weekly Digest > A Week To Remember In Business Entertainment And Politics
A Week to Remember in Business, Entertainment and Politics
In a series of high-profile crackdowns, authorities have arrested a 52-year-old Thai woman accused of assisting a Nigerian syndicate in...

9mobile Recorded 6,079 Loses In Subscribers In 2 months > Finance > 9mobile Recorded 6079 Loses In Subscribers In 2 Months
9mobile Recorded 6,079 Loses In Subscribers In 2 months
Nigeria’s fourth ranked mobile network operator, 9mobile, has continued to experience a decline in its subscriber base, with 6,079 customers...

Slimming Smoothies & Cucumber Crunch > Tangolog Weekly Digest > Tangolog Weekly Discover The Deliciously Healthy Choice
Slimming Smoothies & Cucumber Crunch
Your journey isn’t about perfection—it’s about progress. Each small step brings you closer to a healthier, stronger version of yourself....

Intel's first 'open-source PC' on sale for $199 > Intels First Open Source Pc On Sale For
Intel's first 'open-source PC' on sale for $199
Just incase you haven't check PcWorld today, here is the latest piece of news I pulled out from there. Intel has shipped its first “open-source PC,” a bare-bones computer aimed…

MS Office now Available for Android Phones > Ms Office Now Available For Android Phones
MS Office now Available for Android Phones
Earlier today Microsoft added Android to the list of mobile operating systems now supported by Office Mobile. But Office Mobile for Android only covers phones, not tablets, limiting its utility.…

The Wolf’s Bride Novel -Download PDF > Novels > The Wolfs Bride Novel Download Pdf
The Wolf’s Bride Novel Synopsis "You little b*stard! I don't care what Wolf King you are in some Western Frontline! You have to go to Sumeria and marry the daughter…

Top Asset Management Company Stocks for a Strong Portfolio > Business > Finance > Top Asset Management Company Stocks For A Strong Portfolio
Top Asset Management Company Stocks for a Strong Portfolio
Asset management companies are responsible for managing and investing assets on behalf of their clients, which can include individuals, corporations, and institutional investors. These companies earn fees based on the…

Navigating Time Epochs for Accurate Data Analysis > Business > Finance > Navigating Time Epochs For Accurate Data Analysis
Navigating Time Epochs for Accurate Data Analysis
Short History about Time Epochs Time epochs are typically calculated as the number of seconds or milliseconds that have elapsed since a specific starting point. This is known as the…

The Importance of Time Epochs in Data Processing > Business > Finance > The Importance Of Time Epochs In Data Processing
The Importance of Time Epochs in Data Processing
The first modern epoch The first modern time epoch was established in 1970, when Unix operating system developers at Bell Labs chose January 1st, 1970. It is the starting point…

Understanding Time Epochs: What You Need to Know > Business > Finance > Understanding Time Epochs What You Need To Know
Understanding Time Epochs: What You Need to Know
Introduction Epoch means a particular point in time that serves as a reference or starting point for measuring passed time. In computer science, epoch means a standardized starting point for…

Tone Your Abs and Get the Perfect Beach Body - Try Our Workout Now > Lifestyle > Fitness > Tone Your Abs And Get The Perfect Beach Body Try Our Workout Now
Tone Your Abs and Get the Perfect Beach Body - Try Our Workout Now
If you're looking to tone your abs, our abs workout can help you get the perfect beach body, now is the perfect time to start. A strong, defined core not…

Dior Lip Oil: The Ultimate Solution for Healthy, Plump Lips > Discover > Dior Lip Oil The Ultimate Solution For Healthy Plump Lips
Dior Lip Oil: The Ultimate Solution for Healthy, Plump Lips
Dior Lip Oil is a beauty product offered by the luxury fashion and beauty brand, Dior. It is a nourishing lip treatment that is designed to hydrate, plump, and enhance…

Upgrade Your Kitchen with High-Quality Press Juicer > Discover > Upgrade Your Kitchen With High Quality Press Juicer
Upgrade Your Kitchen with High-Quality Press Juicer
When buying a press juicer, there are several factors to consider to ensure that you get a juicer that meets your needs and produces high-quality juice. Here are some things…