Articles found for Hin

China Recorded A Weekend Of Massive Snowstorm and Record Breaking Heat Rise > Discovery > China Recorded A Weekend Of Massive Snowstorm And Record Breaking Heat Rise
China Recorded A Weekend Of Massive Snowstorm and Record Breaking Heat Rise
China experienced a dramatic weather divide over the weekend, as heavy snowstorms battered parts of the eastern province of Shandong,...

China Plans To Impose New Tariffs On US Agricultural Imports > Discovery > China Plans To Impose New Tariffs On Us Agricultural Imports
China Plans To Impose New Tariffs On US Agricultural Imports
China announced on Tuesday that it will impose fresh tariffs on U.S. agricultural imports next week in response to Washington’s...

Marriages In China Dropped By 20% In 2024 > Discovery > Marriages In China Dropped By 20 In 2024
Marriages In China Dropped By 20% In 2024
China has recorded a one-fifth decline in marriages last year. The latest sign of persistent demographic challenges as Beijing works...

PayPal will Fully Accept Nigeria only when their US Allies has Ignored them > Paypal Fully Accept Nigeria
After waiting for a little over a decade, PayPal arrived Nigeria in 2014 - arrived Nigeria with a half-baked service. A service that does little than market foreign products to…

Awale, Backgammon and 1 other Game Technology has transformed > Awale Backgammon 1 Game Technology Transformed
Awale, Backgammon and 1 other Game Technology has transformed
From time memorial, man has indulged himself into seeking out ways to improve his living standard. The application of this science into practical purposes is what is termed ‘technology’. The…

YouTube’s demonetization finally recognized; popular creators mad > Youtubes Demonetization Backlash
YouTube (the behemoth video website and subsidiary of Google [GOOG]) has been the home for many of the world’s at-home entertainment for years. At its inception, YouTube was a simple…

Why Pokemon GO Falls Short > Pokemon Go Falls Short
Why Pokemon GO Falls Short
Pokemon GO is a augmented reality mobile game that released (without announcement) on July 6th, 2016 (in the U.S.). I was in my friend's car when I refreshed the Google…

SONY announces increase in PS+ Pricing. How will this affect the service? > Sony Increase Playstation Ps Pricing
SONY announces increase in PS+ Pricing. How will this affect the service?
[caption id="attachment_4731" align="aligncenter" width="660"] credit:[/caption] Just when many PS+ members already felt let down by the considerable low-quality service that is the PS+ membership, Sony made an update to…

How to Add Username in Telegram Messaging App > How To Add A Username On Telegram Android App
How to Add Username in Telegram Messaging App
Like Twitter, Facebook (and now, Telegram), the use of usernames makes it easier to find and locate users on the website. However, finding or adding users by username isn't something…

Firefox OS, Microsoft IE and 5 top Technologies that Died in 2015 > Firefox Os Microsoft Ie And 5 Top Technologies That Died In 2015
Firefox OS, Microsoft IE and 5 top Technologies that Died in 2015
Like 2016, 2015 started with a lot of promises and big time resolution for technology companies, but unfortunately, not all those technologies made it through the year. A large number…

"We Took Down Trump Tower's website", Anonymous Claims > We Took Down Trump Towers Website Anonymous Claims
A group of cyber activist has claimed that it downed Donald Trump's website after the later said the United States government should ban muslims from entering the US. The statement has since…

Stunning NASA Image Reveals Tombaugh Regio - The Hearth of Pluto > Stunning Nasa Image Reveals Tombaugh Regio The Hearth Of Pluto
Stunning NASA Image Reveals Tombaugh Regio - The Hearth of Pluto
NASA is bringing you even more closer to planet pluto, this time with a photograph that reveals the dwarf planet's heart-shaped region called Tombaugh Regio - NASA of course, is not…

BlackBerry Priv sales out > Blackberry Priv Sales Out
BlackBerry Priv sales out
BlackBerry (BBRY) is a mobile company that has been failing miserably to keep up with relevance with competitors like Android and iPhone. Several months back, however, BlackBerry took the oath…