Most companies, with their complex workflows, remote teams, and innovative projects, need strong tools to keep everything on track. Whether you are leading a small startup or managing projects in…
The Day 2 keynote at Google I/O was no match for yesterday’s Android keynote (though it did have people skydiving again), but Google delivered when it came to Google Docs:…
Inside Google Docs' spreadsheet component, you’ll find gadgets that endow the app with powers thatTurn text into a QR code.even Excel users will envy. Included are tools for creating animated pie charts,… > How Microsoft Surface Stacks Up Against Its Tablet Competition
How do the specs for the upcoming Microsoft Surface for Windows RT and Surface for Windows Pro compare with the Apple iPad? Here's what we know. Surface will change your…
Today, Google officially announced the release of a new update for Gmail users. The new update is set to allow users to view and save attachments to Google Drive directly…