Understanding the Role of Cloud Access Security Brokers in Data Protection

ewtnet.com > Understanding The Role Of Cloud Access Security Brokers In Data Protection
CASBs are standard tools that offer several layers of protection for your organization. These include malware prevention, which ensures ransomware and other advanced persistent threats cannot access data on disk…

Best Tools For Ethical Hacking

ewtnet.com > Best Tools For Ethical Hacking
Best Tools For Ethical Hacking
To the uninformed, ethical hacking is a criminal practice criminal minds use to tap the data of innocent people. Though it may have some truth in it, Ethical hacking has…

New Ways to Track You via Your Mobile Devices

ewtnet.com > New Ways To Track You Via Your Mobile Devices
New Ways to Track You via Your Mobile Devices
New GPS tech can track your every move. Should you fear it or embrace it? Privacy fans, take note: A new technology, called Indoor Positioning System, could push your worry…

A Look at the Worst Security Snafus of 2012 So Far!

ewtnet.com > A Look At The Worst Security Snafus Of 2012 So Far
A Look at the Worst Security Snafus of 2012 So Far!
Could things really be this bad? From the embarrassing hack of a conversation between the FBI and Scotland Yard to a plethora of data breaches, security snafus have ruled the first half…

Protect your devices from Web and email threats

ewtnet.com > Protect Your Devices From Web And Email Threats
Smartphones and tablets are vulnerable to attack, too. Here's what to look for in a comprehensive security solution. By now you should already know the basics of online security: Don’t…

Google search dominance may not last in mobile age

ewtnet.com > Google Search Dominance May Not Last In
For more than a decade, Google has become synonymous with search. Despite Microsoft’s well-funded efforts to get users to “Bing It,” people are still “googling” with wild abandon. However, there…

How to Make the Most of Google Maps

ewtnet.com > How To Make Most Of Google Maps
How to Make the Most of Google Maps
Everyone knows that Google Maps is the ruler when it comes to mapping services (Nokia map lies just somewhere by the side). There is no doubt about that whatsoever. You…

Basic Privacy Tips for Internet & Social Media

ewtnet.com > Basic Privacy Tips For Internet Social Media
Basic Privacy Tips for Internet & Social Media
PC WORLD - Recent headlines about shadowy government agencies, high-profile hack attacks, and your face in Google ads drive home a crucial point: Your online privacy is best protected when…

Best Vacuum Cleaners for Pet Hair 2024

vainilky.com > Best Vacuum Cleaners For Pet Hair 2024
Best Vacuum Cleaners for Pet Hair 2024
Pets have a knack for creating a bit of disorder—they always bring a piece of the outdoors inside, disperse allergens and dust into the air, and generously leave behind a…

Job: Office Admin & Technical Communicator wanted at Naragenergy Solutions

ng.ewtnet.com > Business > Jobs > Job Office Admin Technical Communicator Wanted At Naragenergy Solutions
Job: Office Admin & Technical Communicator wanted at Naragenergy Solutions
Naragenergy Solutions in a privately owned oil and gas service provider in the areas  of asset determination studies and planning and associated services, production facility optimization, engineering design services and…