Is Population Collapse Coming? A Global Decline in Birth Rates Sparks Concern > Is Population Collapse Coming
Is Population Collapse Coming? A Global Decline in Birth Rates Sparks Concern
Across the globe, fertility rates are dropping, leading to pressing questions about the future of population growth. In many developed nations, birth rates have dipped below the replacement level of…

Best Books 2022: What Books Were Your Favorite Read? > Best Books 2022 What Books Were Your Favorite Reads
Best Books 2022: What Books Were Your Favorite Read?
As the year grinds to a halt, we'll be reviewing some of the best books of 2022 and you can let us know which ones were your favorites. Here's hoping…

A Look at the Worst Security Snafus of 2012 So Far! > A Look At The Worst Security Snafus Of 2012 So Far
A Look at the Worst Security Snafus of 2012 So Far!
Could things really be this bad? From the embarrassing hack of a conversation between the FBI and Scotland Yard to a plethora of data breaches, security snafus have ruled the first half…

Russia offers its support to North Korea amid the Sony Hack > Ewt Is Following Sony Hacks North
Russia offers its support to North Korea amid the Sony Hack
EWT is following the Sony Hacks, North Korea's internet outages, and all other related topics as they develop. See bottom of article for further reading. MOSCOW –  Russia on Thursday…