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Tangolog Weekly Digest: Highlights and Trends of the Week > Tangolog Weekly Digest > Tangolog Weekly Digest Highlights And Trends Of The Week
Tangolog Weekly Digest: Highlights and Trends of the Week
This week, Starlink made waves with their unexpected announcement of a price increase for internet packages in Nigeria, sparking immediate...

Best Action Movies on Netflix Today > Discovery > Best Action Movies On Netflix Today
Best Action Movies on Netflix Today
If you’re a lover of movies that deliver an adrenaline rush with amazing stunts, fast racing cars, and heart-pounding scenes,...

How to Immigrate to Canada from the Philippines > Immigration > How To Immigrate To Canada From The Philippines
How to Immigrate to Canada from the Philippines
America is old news. Canada welcomes skilled and semi-skilled immigrants from all over the world because they know the value...

How To Stay Anonymous On The Web > Stay Anonymous
How To Stay Anonymous On The Web
With the continual erosion of internet privacy and the rising level of security threats, more people are now turning to virtual private networks. VPNs encrypt your internet traffic, making it…

The Top 5 Online Free File Converters for Everyday Users > Online Free Ile Converters
The Top 5 Online Free File Converters for Everyday Users
With the advancement of the digital world, our data has been digitized too. Now, we have our important data in our phones, laptops, and tablets, etc. Sometimes, we need to…

Windows 10's Top 30 Tricks, Tips, and Tweaks in Pictures > Windows 10 Tricks Tips Tweaks Pictures
Windows 10's Top 30 Tricks, Tips, and Tweaks in Pictures
Windows 10 comes with a lot of amazing features but not all of them are readily available. Let's dig a little deeper and unveil new tweaks, tricks and features that…

Darwin Life Aims to Impregnate 40 and Above Women with Designer Babies > Darwin Life Aims Impregnate 40 Women Designer Babies
Darwin Life is a new fertility clinic that aims to get women over the age of 40 pregnant with 'perfect babies'. The World Health Organization (WHO) ranks infertility as the third most…

10 Must Have Apps For Your Android Phone > 10 Must Have Apps For Your Android Phone
10 Must Have Apps For Your Android Phone
Android is one of the most popular mobile operating system in the world by Google’s mobile operating system which has been growing exponentially since its launch in late 2008. Android…

Legal Battle Over LinkedIn Breach Could Be Costly > Legal Battle Over Linkedin Breach Could Be Costly
Legal Battle Over LinkedIn Breach Could Be Costly
LinkedIn, the professional social networking site facing a $5 million-plus lawsuit for a massive breach earlier this month, may win its impending legal battle. But victory will probably not come cheap.…

Total Freedom From iTunes With 'Amazing' Spotify Premium > Total Freedom From Itunes With Amazing Spotify Premium
Total Freedom From iTunes With 'Amazing' Spotify Premium
Spotify’s desktop application is a fantastic music manager and a good replacement for our itune. Here's is a complete walkthrough on how to make spotify you default music application. Are…

Avoid Twitter Disasters > Avoid Twitter Disasters
As a social networking tool, Twitter is even more open than Facebook--which is all the more reason to employ what safeguards you can on its network.   Avoiding Facebook and…

Apple device IDs hacked: What you need to know > Apple Device Ids Hacked What You Need To Know
A hacker collective known as AntiSec has published over a million Apple device IDs that it claims were captured from the laptop of an FBI agent. If you own an…

Enslaved By The Alpha Novel PDF Read/Download Free Online. > Novels > Enslaved By The Alpha Novel Pdf Read Download Free Online
Novel Synopsis Finding out that your father was brutally killed by people he once considered friendswas the worst news I ever expected to receive. I still remember the day that…