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How Does Spotify Premium Duo Work? > Discovery > How Does Spotify Premium Duo Work
How Does Spotify Premium Duo Work?
Spotify, one of the most prominent music streaming platforms, presents various subscription plans to cater to different needs of its...

How to Add Attribution Links to Texts Copied from your Website/Blog > How To Add Attribution Links To Texts Copied From Your Websiteblog
How to Add Attribution Links to Texts Copied from your Website/Blog
The world is changing rapidly, don't let your pains-taking articles go without credits. What am about to introduce to you are mostly used by cooperate news websites like ehow and…

Yahoo Patches Password Leak > Yahoo Patches Password Leak
Yahoo Patches Password Leak
Yahoo says it has fixed the flaw that allowed hackers to steal more than 450,000 passwords from one of its many services. The company also provided more information about whose passwords had…

A Look at the Worst Security Snafus of 2012 So Far! > A Look At The Worst Security Snafus Of 2012 So Far
A Look at the Worst Security Snafus of 2012 So Far!
Could things really be this bad? From the embarrassing hack of a conversation between the FBI and Scotland Yard to a plethora of data breaches, security snafus have ruled the first half…

Avoid Twitter Disasters > Avoid Twitter Disasters
As a social networking tool, Twitter is even more open than Facebook--which is all the more reason to employ what safeguards you can on its network.   Avoiding Facebook and…

One Time Pop-Up Or Slide-Out Facebook Like Box With Cute Subscription Form. > One Time Pop Up Or Slide Out Facebook Like Box With Cute Subscription Form
One Time Pop-Up Or Slide-Out Facebook Like Box With Cute Subscription Form.
With Subscription Form Without Subscription Form I got this trick  from an old friend -Helltrick. It's such a fantastic widget to force your site visitors to subscribe to your updates via email,…

Introducing NairaTrain -Fastest Means to Reach to People. > Introducing Nairatrain Fastest Means To Reach To People
Introducing NairaTrain -Fastest Means to Reach to People.
Introduction: Just four days before Google started updating website page ranks, I launched my social network to mark my 19th birthday and to create an atmosphere for you guys to…

Samsung Smart TV hack highlights risk of 'The Internet of Everything' > Samsung Smart Tv Hack Highlights Risk
 A smart TV is only as smart as the person controlling it. So if the person in control is a hacker, the owner could have a problem. Researchers at security…

Build A Social Network With Wordpress (Part 2) > Build Social Network With Wordpress_18
Build A Social Network With Wordpress (Part 2)
Last time I wrote an article on Building A Social Network With Wordpress (Part 1) today we are going to look at the top ten plugins you will need for…

3 Options to Consider while Choosing a Community Software for your Website > 3 Options To Consider While Choosing
3 Options to Consider while Choosing a Community Software for your Website
What is a Community Software? A community software is a web based software that serves as a skeleton which enables you to create a membership site. Where members can interact…

Understanding the Role of Certificate Authority in Online Security > Business > Finance > Understanding The Role Of Certificate Authority In Online Security
Understanding the Role of Certificate Authority in Online Security
Introduction to certificate authority A certificate authority (CA) is a trusted system that gives online certificates. These certificates are used to establish the authenticity of digital identities and make communication…