Articles found for Back
"We Took Down Trump Tower's website", Anonymous Claims
A group of cyber activist has claimed that it downed Donald Trump's website after the later said the United States government should ban muslims from entering the US. The statement has since…
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Students - The Real Winners of New Age Technology Trend
Impatience characterizes the technology sector’s approach to education. Disruption is taking place in all other sectors of society — so, why not education? I know too well, whether at Pearson…
Microsoft's Virtual Assistant, Cortana now Available for iOS
Looking back at my experience with Windows 10, the newly introduced Microsoft's virtual assistant that goes by the name Cortana, was one thing I wished I had on my Macbook. Wishes…
The Unwanted Wife: Revenge After Divorce Novel PDF Read/Download Online
Novel SynopsisAmelia Carter has only loved one man in her entire life. And that's her husband, Noah Allen.But she received nothing but heartbreak for her love.On their second anniversary, Noah…