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RIM Unveils Its New 4G BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet
Is this new PlayBook RIM's last hurrah in the tablet competition? A new 4G BlackBerry PlayBook will go on sale next week, a year after Research In Motion introduced its…
Don't Tell the Boss: You Tweet from Work Like a Maniac
A new study by network security firm Palo Alto Networksshows "explosive" growth in the use of social networks in the workplace, with a 300 percent increase in social media activity…
Windows 8 Leaked in Final Form
A final copy of Windows 8 leaked to the Internet on Thursday, just a day after Microsoft stamped the new operating system as finished.Identified as Windows 8 Enterprise N --…
How to Avoid Facebook and Twitter Disasters
Who knew your boss could see so much of your Facebook page--including the pics from your wild weekend? Oversharing can lead to underemployment. Take some practical steps to control what…