Best Tools For Ethical Hacking > Best Tools For Ethical Hacking
Best Tools For Ethical Hacking
To the uninformed, ethical hacking is a criminal practice criminal minds use to tap the data of innocent people. Though it may have some truth in it, Ethical hacking has…

10 Must Have Apps For Nokia 5800 > 10 Must Have Apps For Nokia 5800
10 Must Have Apps For Nokia 5800
Z Nokia, the one of most popular and trusted mobile company. Nokia made wide range of mobile phones for every kind of user either the user is rich or belongs…

Explore Skype Keyboard Shortcuts Like a Ninja! > Explore Skype Keyboard Shortcuts Like A Ninja
Explore Skype Keyboard Shortcuts Like a Ninja!
Ofcours, everyone wants to navigate more fluently on skype while using a computer but not everyone knows it's "hotkeys". The use of keyboard shortcuts helps you navigate easily and save…

BBM for Android and iOS is here - Download and Review > Download Official Bbm Android
BBM for Android and iOS is here - Download and Review
In the days of featured phones, Nimbuzz was the go-to guy when it comes to instant messaging. That was a long time ago, though. Smart phones has come to stay…

How Nimbuzz Lost to Whatsapp and BBM in the IM Battle > How Nimbuzz Lost To Whatsapp And Bbm In
How Nimbuzz Lost to Whatsapp and BBM in the IM Battle
As a high school boy in 2007, I always use Nimbuzz on my Nokia 8080 Java phone to keep in touch with my classmates. It was quite handy as it…