Articles found for Vulnerability

Book Review: I Am The Luna by Moonlight > Book Review > Book Review I Am The Luna By Moonlight
Book Review: I Am The Luna by Moonlight
Moonlight Muse’s I Am The Luna Novel is a compelling journey of heartbreak, strength, and transformation within the world of...

You’re Mine Novel by Penny Brooks: Easton and Harper’s Story > Book Review > Youre Mine Novel By Penny Brooks Easton And Harpers Story
You’re Mine Novel by Penny Brooks: Easton and Harper’s Story
Moonlight Muse’s I Am The Luna Novel is a compelling journey of heartbreak, strength, and transformation within the world of...

My Mirror Image Novel: A Tale of Betrayal > Book Review > My Mirror Image Novels Online Free Pdf Download
My Mirror Image Novel: A Tale of Betrayal
Moonlight Muse’s I Am The Luna Novel is a compelling journey of heartbreak, strength, and transformation within the world of...

Microsoft Spots New Vulnerability in Microsoft Office - Your PC may be at Risk > Microsoft Spots New Vulnerability In Microsoft Office Your Pc May Be At Risk
Microsoft Spots New Vulnerability in Microsoft Office - Your PC may be at Risk
Heads up! In what feels like a throwback to the late 90s/early 2000’s, Microsoft has discovered one helluva bug in Microsoft Office. Executed properly, the bug could be exploited to…

Hackers Bully the vBulletin Internet Community Software Vulnerability > Hackers Bully Vbulletin Internet
Hackers are exploiting a vulnerability in the popular vBulletin Internet Community software in order to inject rogue administrator accounts into websites using it. After the recent success of hackers exploring…

Before You Say "Yes": 5 Important Questions To Ask Yourself Before Starting A New Relationship > Before You Say Yes 5 Important Questions To Ask Yourself Before Starting A New Relationship
Let's face it. Breakups are the worst. They feel like a sucker punch to the gut and some nights, starting a new relationship seems like the only way out of…

John Wick Chapter 4 Movie Review > John Wick Chapter 4 Movie Review
John Wick Chapter 4 Movie Review
John Wick Chapter 4 movie!. Well, excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor. Because that ending was so unexpected that it had everyone gasping in shock!.…

Best Tools For Ethical Hacking > Best Tools For Ethical Hacking
Best Tools For Ethical Hacking
To the uninformed, ethical hacking is a criminal practice criminal minds use to tap the data of innocent people. Though it may have some truth in it, Ethical hacking has…

Yahoo Patches Password Leak > Yahoo Patches Password Leak
Yahoo Patches Password Leak
Yahoo says it has fixed the flaw that allowed hackers to steal more than 450,000 passwords from one of its many services. The company also provided more information about whose passwords had…

A Look at the Worst Security Snafus of 2012 So Far! > A Look At The Worst Security Snafus Of 2012 So Far
A Look at the Worst Security Snafus of 2012 So Far!
Could things really be this bad? From the embarrassing hack of a conversation between the FBI and Scotland Yard to a plethora of data breaches, security snafus have ruled the first half…

Mozilla pulls new Firefox version over security concerns > Mozilla Pulls New Firefox Version Over Security Concerns
Mozilla pulls new Firefox version over security concerns
Less than a day after Mozilla released Firefox version 16 to the public, the browser had to be pulled from the Web over security concerns. "Mozilla is aware of a…

Mozilla released Firefox 16.0.1 > Mozilla Released Firefox 16 0 1
Mozilla released Firefox 16.0.1
Mozilla released Firefox 16.0.1 on Thursday in order to fix a publicly disclosed vulnerability and three other security flaws identified after the release of Firefox 16. Mozilla pulled down Firefox…

Samsung Smart TV hack highlights risk of 'The Internet of Everything' > Samsung Smart Tv Hack Highlights Risk
 A smart TV is only as smart as the person controlling it. So if the person in control is a hacker, the owner could have a problem. Researchers at security…