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Advantages and Disadvantages of Affiliate Marketing > Marketing > Advantages And Disadvantages Of Affiliate Marketing
Advantages and Disadvantages of Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing has helped businesses pay independent publishers to direct customers to their products and services. Affiliates are the third-party...

Artificial General Intelligence – Advantages and Disadvantages > Technology > Artificial General Intelligence Advantages And Disadvantages
Artificial General Intelligence – Advantages and Disadvantages
An artificial general intelligence program is a program that can think and learn. Anything that consists of a program carrying...

NLC Threatens Nationwide Protest Against Proposed Electricity Tariff Hike > Discovery > Nlc Threatens Nationwide Protest Against Proposed Electricity Tariff Hike
NLC Threatens Nationwide Protest Against Proposed Electricity Tariff Hike
The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has vowed to mobilize workers and citizens for mass protests if the Federal Government moves...

10 Must Have Apps for your Mac > 10 Must Have Apps For Mac Users
10 Must Have Apps for your Mac
Apps for your Mac. Mac OS is a series of graphical user interface-based operating systems developed by Apple Inc. for their Macintosh line of computer systems. The Mac OS has…

Google Explains The Difference Between Google Plus, 1 Button & Search > Google Explains The Difference Between Google Plus 1 Button Search
Google Explains The Difference Between Google Plus, 1 Button & Search
Google+ is the most recent player in the social networking field. When it first came, we reckoned it was just another attempt by Google to counter Facebook's increasing dominance, and…

7 Great Google Spreadsheet Gadgets > 7 Great Google Spreadsheet Gadgets
7 Great Google Spreadsheet Gadgets
Inside Google Docs' spreadsheet component, you’ll find gadgets that endow the app with powers thatTurn text into a QR code.even Excel users will envy. Included are tools for creating animated pie charts,…

HTC Evo 4G LTE > Htc Evo 4g Lte
HTC Evo 4G LTE Review: Gorgeous, but No LTE for Now   Sprint's original HTC Evo 4G was the carrier's very first 4G WiMAX phone. Two years (and a few…

Keyword Search Optimization Advice For Bloggers > Keyword Search Optimization Advice For Bloggers 2
Keyword Search Optimization Advice For Bloggers
If you’re blogging then you will almost certainly have heard about keyword search optimization. There are many ways to get traffic to your blog, but the best free method is…

The Key SEO Mistakes That You Must Avoid > The Key Seo Mistakes That You Must Avoid
The Key SEO Mistakes That You Must Avoid
This article presents the common mistakes which people make in search engine optimization (SEO). Failure to apply constant effort in optimizing a website for search engines. SEO involves continuous effort…

Legal Battle Over LinkedIn Breach Could Be Costly > Legal Battle Over Linkedin Breach Could Be Costly
Legal Battle Over LinkedIn Breach Could Be Costly
LinkedIn, the professional social networking site facing a $5 million-plus lawsuit for a massive breach earlier this month, may win its impending legal battle. But victory will probably not come cheap.…

Google Announces Google Drive for iOS and Offline Editing for Google Docs > Google Announces Google Drive For Ios And Offline Editing For Google Docs
Google Announces Google Drive for iOS and Offline Editing for Google Docs
A version of Chrome for iOS also was announced during the second day keynote for the company's Google I/O conference. Google kicked off the second day of its I/O conference by announcing…

Keyword Search Optimization Advice For Bloggers > Keyword Search Optimization Advice For Bloggers
If you’re blogging then you will almost certainly have heard about keyword search optimization. There are many ways to get traffic to your blog, but the best free method is…

Best Senior Dating Sites to Find Mature Love > Best Senior Dating Sites To Find Mature Love
Best Senior Dating Sites to Find Mature Love
Do seniors use dating sites? The answer is Yes. When it comes to finding love, age truly is just a number. A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in…