
15 Fruits for Diabetes Patients to Eat/Avoid


Diabetes affects a large number of people worldwide and can be caused by various factors, such as heredity and an unhealthy lifestyle. Although there is no cure, it can be managed with proper care. Food has a huge influence on the control of diabetes, and health experts advise us to choose our meals wisely. In this article, we will discuss the best and worst fruits for diabetes. This information can help you better manage your condition and make healthier choices.

Also read: Ketogenic Diet: Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid

Contrary to popular belief that eating fruits leads to an increase in blood sugar levels is false time and time again. Fruits are an excellent source of fiber and minerals. If you have diabetes, certain fruits are indeed very beneficial and can help you manage your condition more effectively. Looking for the best low glycemic index foods? Keep reading.

15 Fruits for Diabetes Patients to Eat


apples for people with diabetes

Perhaps because of the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” apples are among the most popular fruits in the world. Apples contain soluble fiber, vitamin C, and other nutrients. The fruit is also one of the best fruits for diabetics and contains antioxidant properties. Apples have carbohydrates, which can raise blood sugar levels, but their fiber content keeps blood sugar levels stable. Diabetic patients can get a glucometer to manage blood sugar levels.


15 Fruits for Diabetes Patients to Reduce Blood Sugar Levels

A delicious summer fruit to include in your diet is the papaya, which is also one of the healthiest fruits for diabetics. All parts of this fruit, including the pulp and seeds, are edible. Papaya has been revealed to protect people with diabetes from cell damage and is high in fiber and antioxidants. The low-calorie fruit, high in potassium, magnesium, fiber, vitamin B, and folate, is also beneficial for weight loss.


15 Fruits for Diabetes Patients to Reduce Blood Sugar Levels

Oranges belong to the citrus fruit family and are considered one of the best foods for people with diabetes. The fruit is rich in potassium, fiber, folate, and vitamin C. In addition, oranges have a high fiber content, which means that after ingestion, it takes longer for the sugar to dissolve. For people with diabetes, oranges are best consumed whole, not processed.


berries for people with diabetes

Low-carb fruits that are a suitable choice for diabetics include blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and other berries. Berries are high in antioxidants, and because they include minerals and phytonutrients, eating them can help reduce the absorption of glucose. Their anti-inflammatory qualities stem from the presence of fiber and vitamin C.


15 Fruits for Diabetes Patients to Reduce Blood Sugar Levels

Including pears in your diabetic diet might be an ideal way to eat healthy. It has minerals, iron, potassium, magnesium, and calcium in it. It also contains high levels of beta-carotene, retinol, choline, folate, lutein, and the vitamins C, E, and K. The outer part of pears is high in fiber and lowers the risk of obesity and cholesterol issues. It might be a delicious and nutritious substitute for your sweetened and processed pear drinks.


15 Fruits for Diabetes Patients to Reduce Blood Sugar Levels
plums on a dark wood background. toning. selective focus on plum with a stone.

The best fruits for diabetics are those with low glycemic indexes, as was previously mentioned. One such fruit is the plum because it takes a while for the body to break down sugars, lowering the risk of blood sugar increases. This fruit is low in insulin resistance and high in nutrients, which is great for diabetics. Plums also have a high concentration of soluble fiber, which is needed for regulating the body’s sugar levels. This fruit is mostly available during its peak season, which runs from May to October.


15 Fruits for Diabetes Patients to Reduce Blood Sugar Levels

Another fruit to include in your diabetes diet is peaches. Despite being a source of carbohydrates, the fruit’s benefits make up for the carb content for diabetics. Peaches also include high levels of fiber, potassium, and vitamins C and A. Peach bioactive components have also been verified by nutritionists and food experts to combat diabetes-related cardiovascular issues and obesity-related issues.

Indian Blackberry

indian blackberry for people with diabetes

Jamun, sometimes referred to as black plum or Indian blackberry, is regarded as one of the healthiest fruits for people with diabetes. The fruit has a modest sugar content and contains 14.5% carbs and 82% water. The fruit’s content inhibits the starch’s ability to be converted to sugar. This helps in preventing unexpected rises in the body’s blood sugar levels. Also, eating jamun has been revealed to improve insulin secretion, which is very necessary for people with diabetes.


kiwis for people with diabetes

Kiwis are low on the glycemic index, making them high-fiber foods that aid in blood sugar regulation. A kiwi’s GI of 49 indicates that it takes some time for the fruit to enter the bloodstream and does not turn into glucose quickly. Research has shown that having Kiwi fruit for breakfast reduces blood sugar absorption. The main explanation behind this is that kiwis are high in fiber and retain water. The fruit slows down the metabolism of sugar by absorbing water and thickening it into a gel when eaten.

Tart cherries

tart cherries for people with diabetes

There have been improvements in blood sugar control and diabetes treatment using tart cherries. Tart cherries include compounds called anthocyanins, which not only give the fruit its fiery red color but also increase the body’s use of insulin. This fruit is a wonderful choice if you have diabetes; it has been recommended to lower the risk of heart disease.

Fruits are usually seen to be a healthy option, however, some types may have a greater effect on blood sugar levels than others. People with diabetes should either completely avoid some fruits or take them in moderation, according to dietitians.

Fruits for Diabetes Patients to Avoid

As part of a balanced diet, diabetic patients are advised by experts to eat fruits daily. Consuming fruits and vegetables can lower your chance of developing cancer and heart disease. Fruits help to supplement the body’s lack of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. However, you still need to exercise caution because certain fruits have a very high sugar content. In this case, diabetes individuals should choose their fruits carefully to prevent blood sugar rises. We’ll also provide you with a list of fruits that diabetics should stay away from in this article.


watermelon for people with diabetes

People’s favorite fruit in the summer is juicy, refreshing, thirst-quenching watermelon. However, watermelon has a very high sugar content. It has been recommended that diabetics consume watermelon in very small amounts. To maintain blood sugar levels, watermelon can be mixed with foods that have a low GI (glycemic index).


bananas for people with diabetes

Despite its high GI score of 62, consuming a small banana with nuts such as walnuts, pistachios, and almonds can help lower blood sugar levels. Individuals with type 2 diabetes can combine curd and banana. This is a satisfying and longer-lasting snack that can be good for you to consume the entire day.


mangos for people with diabetes

Mangoes may be the sloppiest, but it is one of everyone’s favorite fruits due to its deliciousness. However, a diabetic patient might need to avoid it. Mangoes are among the list of fruits having about 14 grams of sugar per serving, which can quickly raise blood sugar levels in diabetics.


pineapples for people with diabetes
Pineapple: 5 Health Benefits and Ways to Enjoy It

The sugar content of a pineapple is roughly 16 grams. It can be consumed raw or as a dessert after low-GI dishes high in protein and fat.


litchi for people with diabetes

One of the most favored summer fruits is the litchi. The sugar content of this sweet, pulpy fruit is roughly 16 grams. People with diabetes should limit their intake of litchi to avoid rising sugar levels.

Find out recipes for healthy and delicious salads. You can also check our list of Healthful Diet that Can Sustain Your Lifespan

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