
How to Get a Canadian Working Visa from Kenya

Thousands of people move to Canada every month, and many do so in search of better employment opportunities and a better quality of life. For Kenyans, traveling between Kenya and Canada in search of their dream job will require a work visa. Below, we describe what makes Canada so special, why so many Kenyans love the Great White North, and how you can get a Kenyan Canadian work visa through the Express Entry system.

Why do Kenyans Love Canada?

First, Immigrants Feel Right at Home in Canada

Multiculturalism is at the very heart of how Canada deals with the situation of immigrants. This is reflected in policies such as the Express Entry program, in the representation of minorities in politics (Jagmeet Singh was one of Canada’s most popular politicians in the last election), and celebrates diversity through institutions such as the Aga Khan Museum. , which exhibits Islamic and Iranian art. and Muslim culture.

Free Healthcare and Education

Who doesn’t want free health care? All permanent residents of Canada benefit from very attractive health care programs funded by the Government of Canada. In addition, coverage extends to over-the-counter and prescription drugs for residents of Ontario under the age of 25. In addition to the Canadian government footing the bill for its doctors, Canada has funded the education of its residents’ children up to high school. This is in addition to the fact that Canada is home to some of the best universities in the world, which is very heartwarming if you are immigrating to Canada from Kenya with your children.

A Wealth of Job Opportunities

Canada is the second-largest country in the world, but it simply does not have a large enough population to support its rapidly expanding industries with enough skilled workers. Through programs like Express Entry, the Canadian government is speeding up the immigration process for candidates it deems fit to fill the gaps in the labor market. People moving from Nigeria to Canada can rest assured that there is a surplus of employment opportunities in the High North.

How to Get a Canadian Work Visa With Express Entry (EE)

You’re probably excited about the prospect of a new adventure in Canada, but before you can apply for a work visa through Express Entry, you need to determine whether or not you are an eligible applicant. Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to, students, caregivers, contractors, agricultural workers, and temporary workers. There are additional criteria including, but not limited to the following:Advertisements

  • your stay in Canada and to return home
  • have no record of criminal activity
  • not be a danger to Canada’s security
  • be in good health
  • not plan to work for an employer listed with the status “ineligible” on the list of employers who failed to comply with the conditions
  • not plan to work for an employer who, on a regular basis, offers striptease, erotic dance, escort services or erotic massages, and
  • give the officer any other documents they ask for to prove you can enter the country

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