Articles found for Tua

A Week to Remember in Business, Entertainment and Politics > Tangolog Weekly Digest > A Week To Remember In Business Entertainment And Politics
A Week to Remember in Business, Entertainment and Politics
In a series of high-profile crackdowns, authorities have arrested a 52-year-old Thai woman accused of assisting a Nigerian syndicate in...

Turmoil inside USAID as Musk Attack The Agency > National Economy > Turmoil Inside Usaid As Musk Attack The Agency
Turmoil inside USAID as Musk Attack The Agency
A dispute between the United States Agency for International Development and a government task force escalated after placing two security...

South Africa Hit Back At Trump Over Land Confiscation Claims > National Economy > South Africa Hit Back At Trump Over Land Confiscation Claims
South Africa Hit Back At Trump Over Land Confiscation Claims
South Africa President, Cyril Ramaphosa on Monday hit back at his United States, Donald Trump, over threat to cut off...

Ford F-150: Experience the Power and Precision > Automobile > Ford F 150 Experience The Power And Precision
Ford F-150: Experience the Power and Precision
The Ford F-150 is a robust and commanding vehicle that has been expertly crafted to provide drivers with an exceptional driving experience. With a host of impressive features and capabilities,…

25 Best 'Free' Elegant Windows 8 Themes > 25 Best Free Elegant Windows 8 Themes
25 Best 'Free' Elegant Windows 8 Themes
Bill & Microsoft has made many structural changes by implementing Metro UI and Start Screen in Windows 8. But the PC side of Windows 8 has not seen any dramatic…

All Hail iPad - Your New Sheriff > All Hail Ipad Your New Sheriff
All Hail iPad - Your New Sheriff
The 'wonder' Apple technology has ensured that it's thief will not go uncaught. Last week saw the house of Mr. Tunde Makhinde, a Lagos based Nigerian visited by some robbers…

Maybe It is time to quit Windows XP > Maybe It Is Time To Quit Windows Xp
Maybe It is time to quit Windows XP
You really, really need to dump Windows XP. No, really. Windows XP was great, and many users still love the operating system,’s more than a decade old. At the…

Go Hex Yourself Download/Read PDF Online > Novels > Go Hex Yourself Novel Download Read Pdf Online
Go Hex Yourself PDF Book read online or download for free. “Go Hex Yourself” is an impressive book that is now available in various format including Kindle, ePub, and PDF.…

Use 2go, BBM & Whatsapp on your Windows PC or Mac > Use 2go Bbm Whatsapp On Your Windows Pc
Use 2go, BBM & Whatsapp on your Windows PC or Mac
Although future generations of PCs are likely to be operated on Android OS with Lenovo's latest invention, Windows PC and Mac users can still enjoy Android apps without installing Android…

LinkedIn Profiles - Are they Really "Responsible"? > Linkedin Profiles Are They Really Responsible
LinkedIn Profiles - Are they Really "Responsible"?
The use of LinkedIn "Creative" profile is gradually fading to oblivion. The company is releasing its list of the most overused buzzwords in 2013, based on the words that appear…

Lovely Apartment Rental App now on Android! > Lovely Apartment Rental App Now On Android
Lovely Apartment Rental App now on Android!
It is often a hectic experience trying to find a new place to live (especially if you desire to move to the housing market hellholes that are New York City…

7-inch Android tablets: The king of Black Friday > 7 Inch Android Tablets The King Of Black Friday
7-inch Android tablets: The king of Black Friday
 Falling prices on TVs and 7-inch Android tablets helped boost Black Friday sales to nearly $5 billion, NPD reported Wednesday. The retail analyst firm added that sales of “stocking stuffer”…

Twin In Her Womb: Sir, President Please Be Gentle Novel Download/Read PDF Online > Novels > Twin In Her Womb Sir President Please Be Gentle Novel
Twins in Her Womb Sir President, Please be Gentle PDF Book read online or download for free. “Twins in Her Womb Sir President, Please be Gentle” is an impressive book…