
Yoghurt: Types and Health Benefits

The type of yogurt and the individual consuming it determine whether yogurt is a healthy choice.

Yoghurt Benefits

Nondairy yoghurts provide an option for persons who do not consume dairy or animal products, or who have allergies or intolerances to dairy or animal products. Because lactose is used up during the fermentation process, yogurt has less lactose than milk.

Types of Yoghurt

Yogurt comes in several varieties.

  1. Low-fat or fat-free – Low-far or reduced-fat yoghurt is manufactured from 2% milk. Nonfat yoghurt is produced with skim milk.
  2. Kefir – Kefir is a kind of yogurt that is consumed in liquid form. It includes probiotics and is simple to produce at home by combining kefir grains with milk and letting it stand for 12 to 24 hours.
  3. Greek yogurt – Greek yoghurt is creamy and thick. It is more heat resistant than conventional yogurt and is frequently used in Mediterranean-style cooking and dips. It is created by straining normal yogurt further to eliminate the liquid. Because of the thicker concentration, the protein content is higher, but the extra straining results in a lower calcium content. Greek yogurt comes in full-fat, reduced-fat or low-fat, and nonfat or zero-percent-fat varieties.
  4. Skyr – Skyr, pronounced “skeer,” is an Icelandic-style yogurt that is rich, creamy, and high in protein, similar to Greek yogurt. Skyr needs four times the volume of milk to manufacture than plain yogurt and has two to three times the protein.
  5. Frozen yogurt – Frozen yogurt is frequently seen as a healthier alternative to ice cream. However, many frozen yogurts have the same or more sugar as normal ice cream. Furthermore, the National Yogurt Association claims that not all so-called frozen yogurts include live and active cultures. Some yogurts are heat-treated, which destroys the live and active microorganisms.
  6. Non-dairy yogurt – Soy yogurt and coconut milk yogurt are two dairy-free yogurt options.

Health Advantages

Most people use all varieties of milk to make yogurt and usually consider Skim milk varieties fat-free, while whole milk varieties are full-fat. Here are six scientifically proven health advantages of natural yogurt. It is high in essential nutrients. Yogurt contains practically every vitamin that your body needs. It contains a lot of calcium, B vitamins, and trace elements.

It has a lot of protein. Yogurt, particularly Greek yogurt, is rich in protein. Protein aids with appetite control and weight management. Some types may be beneficial to digestive health. Yogurt contains probiotics, which may improve digestive health by alleviating symptoms of common gastrointestinal diseases like bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. It may help to boost your immune system. Yogurt contains probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, all of which may help to increase immunity and avoid some ailments.

It may be beneficial to heart health. Yogurt appears to promote heart health by boosting HDL (good) cholesterol and lowering blood pressure, regardless of fat level.

It may aid in weight loss. Yogurt is abundant in protein, which makes it full and may help your diet in general. Both of these factors aid in weight management.

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