Snapchat Improves App ServiceTo Prevent Future User Data Leaks > Snapchat Improves App Serviceto Prevent
Snapchat Improves App ServiceTo Prevent Future User Data Leaks
Following the event of the last few days, Snapchat is not willing to risk any further leakage.    Snapchat has released an official post about the recent leak of 4.6M…

Captivation: Want Nothing But You novel by Adolf Dunne - Download/Read Free PDFs Online > Novels > Captivation Want Nothing But You By Adolf Dunne Download Read Free Pdfs Online
The title alone should give everyone a glimpse of what the story is all about. Captivation: Want Nothing But You novel is an urban romance novel by Adolf Dunne. With…

Owner of Twitter's Shortest Handle @N Looses his Account in an Extortion Scheme > Owner Of Twitters Shortest Handle N
Owner of Twitter's Shortest Handle @N Looses his Account in an Extortion Scheme
TechCrunch - Yesterday Naoki Hiroshima, an Echofon developer, posted an article about how he lost his extremely short Twitter handle @N in an extortion scheme. Hackers compromised his GoDaddy account…

Yahoo acknowledges Yahoo Mail hack > Yahoo Acknowledges Yahoo Mail Hack
Yahoo acknowledges Yahoo Mail hack
Have your friends recently texted you about spam originating from your Yahoo Mail account? If so, that may be because you (and many of your friends) were hacked. Yahoo acknowledged…

Wi-Fi 'virus' could be used to attack wireless access points > Wi Fi Virus Could Be Used To Attack
Wi-Fi 'virus' could be used to attack wireless access points
Dense concentrations of Wi-Fi access points and routers in large cities could be attacked by malware able to spread silently from node to node, researchers at the University of Liverpool…

Roughly 1000 Transactions Made with Apple Pay Were Logged Twice in Customer Accounts > Roughly 1000 Transactions Made With Apple Pay Were Logged Twice In Customer Accounts
Roughly 1000 Transactions Made with Apple Pay Were Logged Twice in Customer Accounts
Roughly 1000 transactions were made with Apple. Some Bank of America customers have been double-charged for purchases made with Apple Pay, the payment system Apple launched on Monday. Roughly 1,000…

Microsoft Spots New Vulnerability in Microsoft Office - Your PC may be at Risk > Microsoft Spots New Vulnerability In Microsoft Office Your Pc May Be At Risk
Microsoft Spots New Vulnerability in Microsoft Office - Your PC may be at Risk
Heads up! In what feels like a throwback to the late 90s/early 2000’s, Microsoft has discovered one helluva bug in Microsoft Office. Executed properly, the bug could be exploited to…

Sony Hack: President of United States vows responsibility for FBI claims > A Couple Of Days Ago North Korea Was
Sony Hack: President of United States vows responsibility for FBI claims
  A couple of days ago, North Korea was posed as the fault to the SONY FILMS hack, formally by the FBI. This all followed the major GOP hack on…