
IBM AI Chief: No Computer Science Degree Needed to Work in Tech Soon

It may not be necessary to have a computer science degree to work in the IT industry. In a recent interview, Matthew Candy, a managing partner in IBM for generative AI, stated as much to Fortune. According to Candy, AI will enable anybody with an idea to produce goods without coding knowledge.

According to Candy in the statement, “The speed at which people will be able to come up with an idea, to test the idea, to make something, it’s going to be so accelerated.”  “You don’t need to have a degree in computer science to do that,” he added.

Matthew Candy, IBM AI Chief and AI chatbot

The IBM chief stated that in the era of artificial intelligence, soft talents like creativity and invention will be more valued than technical ones. He previously told the journal, “I think AI’s going to free up more capacity for creative thought processes, so questioning, creativity skills, and innovation is going to be hugely important.”

But AI will have an impact on more than just the IT sector. AI image-generation technology has the potential to revolutionize the arts, according to Candy. It will be possible for you to assume the position of a designer. To do these tasks, you don’t need to be a graphic designer or hold an art degree,” he stated.


While IT leaders are enthusiastic about AI, other working people are less optimistic. 82% of professionals worry that as AI advances, their jobs may become redundant. This was according to a recent survey by edtech company Hero Vired,

Indeed, IBM said in May of last year that they were thinking about recruiting fewer humans for positions that AI could be able to fill in their place. In a Bloomberg interview, IBM CEO Arvind Krishna stated that he believes artificial intelligence will replace 30% of the company’s back-office jobs over five years, or around 7,800 people.

According to research by investment firm Goldman Sachs, 300 million full-time employees might be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI). In the US and Europe, it may replace 25% of labor duties. But it might also lead to an increase in productivity and the creation of new employment. Additionally, it may eventually result in a 7% rise in the worldwide yearly value of products and services produced. The research also estimates two-thirds of employment in the U.S. and Europe “are exposed to some degree of AI automation,” and roughly a quarter of all jobs might be done by AI altogether.

The most likely groups to be impacted by workforce automation are educated white-collar professionals. They make up to $80,000 annually, according to research from OpenAI and the University of Pennsylvania.

A survey from MIT and Boston University claims that by 2025, artificial intelligence (AI) might replace up to two million industrial jobs, according to Forbes.

Developments in digitalization, robots, and artificial intelligence may require at least 14% of workers worldwide to change jobs by 2030. This is according to studies carried out by McKinsey Global Institute research,


More jobs will be created by AI and machine learning than they will replace, according to experts, which will benefit workers. Having said that, you must have acquired the abilities required to complete the task if you want to ride the wave and launch a new profession. Exposure to artificial intelligence (AI) and a desire to transition into an AI-focused career might provide you with an advantage if you can demonstrate your expertise in AI development.

To differentiate yourself from other prospective applicants, you should improve your technical abilities. Also, finish online courses, learn about the field, obtain job experience, and hone your soft skills. As artificial intelligence is still in its infancy, it will require substantial research and cooperation. You may differentiate yourself from other developers who possess technical talents by having soft skills.

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